NKDA Departments/Services
Facilities at New Town

Helpful Information
New Tenders
WBNKDA/31/ EE-(P&GV) /NKDA OF 2024-25 (Closing Date: 17-03-2025)
WBNKDA/32/ EE-(P&GV) /NKDA OF 2024-25 (Closing Date: 17-03-2025)
WBNKDA/33/ EE-(P&GV) /NKDA OF 2024-25 (Closing Date: 17-03-2025)
WBNKDA/30/ EE-(P&GV) /NKDA OF 2024-25 (Closing Date: 18-03-2025)
WBNKDA/25/ EE-(P&GV) /NKDA OF 2024-25 (Closing Date: 13-03-2025)
Health Services
- Capacity Building Training Programme for House to House (H-t-H) Team Members and House to House (H-t-H) Supervisors on Vector Control Management, 2024
- Ambulance Service for residents of New Town Kolkata. For details contact 1800-103-7652
- COVID Advisory Guidelines
- NKDA Volunteer List for CoWin Registration Assistance
- Enrollment the name of 60 yrs + Senior Citizens, residing in NKDA area, for 1st Dose of Vaccine.
- NOTIFICATION - regarding applications from NGOs/ RWAs for awareness camps related to COVID- 19
- NOTICE - regarding off-site vaccination camps
- NKDA Volunteer List for CoWin Registration Assistance
- For Volunteers who wish to help
- Preparation of Covid-19 vaccination Database for New Town Kolkata
- Ambulance service from New Town Kolkata Development Authority
- Bio Medical Waste disposal in designated Yellow Bins at Action Area 1, 2 and 3 at New Town
- Segregation of solid waste (Wet waste and Dry waste) from Source.
- Installation of Solar Power Plant in different locations of New Town Kolkata.
- Construction of Two nos of Community Hall.
- Construction of IC park at CE block in Action Area – IC.
- Construction of Pay& Use Toilet & Restaurant at 1st Floor between DLF-II & Eco-space.
- 8 nos of more community market in different location of Action Area I and II.
- Different Awareness Programme on Solar City Project.
- e-Waste Management System.
- e-Governance System in New Town Kolkata.
- Digitization of all record.
- m-Governance System in New Town Kolkata.
- Installation of traffic signals in different location of New Town Kolkata.
- Efficient scientific disposal of biodegradable and non- biodegradable waste will be taken up in future.
- Introduction of e-Office.
- CCTV surveillance with video Analytics for different locations of New Town business Club, New Town, Kolkata.
- Integration of CCTV Surveillance for Supervision and Monitoring of Subway Akansha More, New Town, Kolkata.
- Barrier Free Pathway along Street No. 175 in AA-I under NKDA.
- Construction of containerized Toilet at different location of New Town, Kolkata.
- Illuminations of Solar Street Light different locations of Green Verge located at Action Area � I and II.
- Solar Stud Light & Road Stud for Safe Cycling.
- Greening of Metro Pillars by IoT enabled vertical Garden.
- Construction of containerized caf� at Green verge adjacent to Ecospace roundabout, AA II, New Town.
- Smart Parking Solution in Tata Cancer Hospital at Action Area ID, New Town, Kolkata
- Installation of Outdoor Gym Equipment at Eco Urban Village, AA-IIB, New Town, Kolkata
- Installation of IOT enabled outdoor Public Message Boards in New Town, Kolkata
- Construction of Daily Market in Action Area-IIIE under New Town Kolkata Development Authority, New Town, Kolkata
- Construction of NKDA market in between the car parking lot and D.C.P. office at Street No. 45 of Action Area-I, New Town, Kolkata to rehabilitate the street hawkers opening around DLF-I/ Coal India Bhavan and nearby places of New Town, Kollkata.
- Extension of Hawkers Plaza opposite to Unitech Infospace at New Town, Kolkata to rehabilitate the street hawkers opening around the place at Unitech Infospace of New Town, Kolkata.
- Installation of Roof Top solar power plant located at Utility Building , Rabindra Tirtha, 11 KVA Substation (Near Coal India).
- Implementation and Operation of Electronic Health Record (EHR) of Birth/Death Module of NKDA using Blockchain Technology.
- Setting up and Running of 24x7 Toll Free Citizen Helpline for New Town Kolkata.
- Making greenery by plantation & bamboo fencing at Green Verge of CA Block in between Street No. 211 & 201 in AA-IC
- Making greenery by plantation & bamboo fencing at Green Verge of CD Block in between Street No. 268 & 256 in AA-IC
- Preparation of greeneries bamboo fencing, plantation of tall trees and ancillary works within proposed green area abutting to Street No. 558, 529, 535 and 534 at Action Area IIB
- Making greenery by plantation & bamboo fencing at Green Verge of CA Block in between Street No. 183 & 185 in AA-IC
- Making greenery by plantation & bamboo fencing at Green Verge of BD-2 Block in between Street No. 131 & 165 in AA-IC
- Completion of IB Market.
- Completion of Swimming Pool and Business Club.
- Completion of fee parking zone near Tata Cancer Hospital.
- Completion of Sensory Park at AC Block, Action Area -IC.
- Football Gallery at AD Block.
- Completion of IC Park.
- Completion of BA Park at Action Area - IB.
- Completion and commissioning of 500 KW Canal top Solar Power Plant near Eco- Park and integration with the Power Grid.
- Completion of Business Club with two Swimming Pools, Gymnasium, Tennis Court and Basket Ball Court.
- Completion of Upasana Griha at Biswarjan Ghat at A/A - ID.
- Completion of Sensory Park for specially abled children.
- Completion of 7 nos. Community Markets at Action Areas -IIB, IIC, IID, IC, ID and DB.
- Completion of Replica of Ghoom Station Paltform with Toy Train within Eco-park.
- Completion of New Town Mela Ground with Auditorium.
- Completion of Car Parking Space near Tata Medical Centre.
- New Town Plaza and Watch tower.
- Development of Park at Action Area IIB and IIC Block.
- Construction of 10 nos of community markets. Out of 03 have already been allotted.
- Completion of 03 nos of parks at different locations of New Town Kolkata.
- Approval of Solar City Master Plan by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India.
- Completion of Cricket Ground at Action Area- IID.
- Completion of 12 kW grid connected Roof top solar power plant at NKDA building of 01 MAR.
- 10 kW Grid connected floating solar power plant at “Smitibon”, Action Area- IB, New Town Kolkata.
- Completion of Pyramidal Tower & congregation centre at Action Area-IB near Home Town.
- Construction Weigh Bridge at Action Area IC, Newtown, Kolkata.
- Food Court behind Sishu Tirtha Park at AD Block, New Town, Kolkata.
- Construction of Immersion Ghat at Action Area-ID New Town, Kolkata.
- Construction of 02 (two) nos of Passenger Shed near Eco Park New Town Kolkata.
- Installation of Road’s Signage in AA-I C and AA-I D.
- Development of Mela Ground at New Town Kolkata.
- Introduction for m-Grivence System for New Town Kolkata.
- Manual sweeping and clearing of roads for New Town Kolkata.
- Community Market of IB likely to be completed.
- Fees parking zones near Home Town, Asix Mall, Coal India at New Town Kolkata.
- Introduction of Fire Audit to check fire safety measurement for large projects.
- Application of Bio-metric attendance system.
- Completion of Bibek Tirtha, Rabindra Tirth Sisu Uddan, AI Park, Theme Park at different location of Action Area-I New Town Kolkata.
- 07 (Seven) nos of Passenger Shed at different location of Action Area-I and II of New Town Kolkata.
- Installation of Traffic Signal with Control Kiosk in 5 different location of New Town Kolkata.
- Development of a Children’s Park in AD Block (Sishu Tirtha) .This is the first Children’s Park in New Town.
- Development and opening of a public playground in AD Block. This is the first public playground in New Town.
- Beautification from Bridge over Kestopur canal to 1st Bridge over Bagjala canal along median verge of M.A.R.
- Starting of collection and disposal of Solid Waste since November, 2011.
- Starting of work relating to Record of Title (Mutation) since November, 2011.
- Plantation of coconut trees along link canal connecting Bagjala and Kestopur canal.
- Finalization of development of two Community Markets in 1A & 1B.
- Construction of one bus stops along M.A.R at 1st Rotary.
- Installation of Traffic Signal in 1st Rotary along with Control Kiosk.
- Construction of Pay and Use Toilet at 1st Rotary in AA-I.
- Maintenance of accounts through software.