Notice Inviting e-Quotation No. 122/EE(E)/NKDA/2023–24

7 March,2024
1. Repairing & replacement of Damage Electrical Accessories at Street no. 394, 594, 527, 549, 564, 672, 666, 46bus st, 634, 673, 553, 623, 624, 703, 675, 687, 714/s, 757, 771, 684, 534, 575, 574, 751, 648, 775, 711, 4444, 568/s, 796, 762, 751, 370, 558, 787, 535, 333, 671, 679, 648, 669, Action area II, Newtown, Kolkata, Under NKDA.
2. Providing of Uninterrupted electrical service at UPHC building near Business Club, AA-I of Newtown, Kolkata, under NKDA. For the One Year.
3. Replacement of damaged luminaries across different streets of Action Area -III at New Town Kolkata under NKDA.