Notice Inviting e-Quotation No. 118/EE(E)/NKDA/2023–24

1 March,2024
1. Operation & Maintenance of Electrical Accessories at IIB Park, Activity Park, Neem Banani Park, IIB Market & some allied location, Action area IIB, Newtown Kolkata. Under NKDA. For the One Year.
2. Replacement of Damage Street light accessories at Street no. 725, 501, 596, 784, 553, 678, 600, 648 & 711, Newtown, Kolkata, Under NKDA.
3. Operation and maintenance of cycle docking stations operated by hybrid renewable energy system at 22 different locations of AA-I & II in Newtown under NKDA.
4. Supply and replacement of damaged LED Street Lights with allied electrical installation works at MAR-3333 at New Town Kolkata under NKDA.