Notice Inviting e-Quotation No. 101/EE(E)/NKDA/2023–24

19 January,2024
1. Replacement of unserviceable light fittings, garden lights and underground cable with LT feeder pillar to Business Club at Newtown, Kolkata.
2. Providing an operation to electrical damage repaired work at street no. 333, 335, 394, 372 & 374, Action area IIA, IIF & CBD, Newtown, Kolkata, Under NKDA.
3. Repairing & replacement of Damage Electrical Accessories at Street no. 651, 660, 662, 666, 673, 687, 693, 701,703, 672, 674, 676, 678, 682, 692, 694 & 700, Action area IIC & IID, Newtown, Kolkata, Under NKDA.
4. Electrical Installation works for the toto & two-wheeler EV Chargers at different locations of New Town
Under NKDA.