Notice Inviting e-Quotation No.06/(03)/WBNKDA/EE(SWM)/2024-25

19 September,2024
1.Daily collection of solid waste (Dry Waste & Wet Waste) from AA I of New Town & its adjoining areas with in a radius of 20km. from NKDA peripheral zone , transportation, stacking and spreading the waste at specified disposal ground or waste processing plant as will be assigned by NKDA for a period of 5(Five) years.
2.Daily collection of solid waste (Dry Waste & Wet Waste) from AA II of New Town & its adjoining areas with in a radius of 20km. from NKDA peripheral zone, transportation, stacking and spreading the waste at specified disposal ground or waste processing plant as will be assigned by NKDA for a period of 5(Five) years.
3.Daily collection of solid waste (Dry Waste & Wet Waste) from AA III of New Town & its adjoining areas with in a radius of 20km. from NKDA peripheral zone, transportation, stacking and spreading the waste at specified disposal ground or waste processing plant as will be assigned by NKDA for a period of 5(Five) years.