1)Arboriculture work on elevated area of street no. 257 at AA-ID under NKDA, New Town, Kolkata. 2)Supplying, fitting & fixing kerb, relaying disturbed kerb and channel and bamboo fencing in front of CESE Housing, subhashree, Rupashree and Street no. 97 in AA-1A & 1B under NKDA, New Town, Kolkata. 3) Special repair and mending of pot holes and depression and top surface with carpeting of bituminousnroad at street no. 94 in Action Area-1A under NKDA, New Town, Kolkata. 4) Painting of kerb & rem
NIT NO. 43/(4)/EE-II/NKDA OF 2016-17

15 February,2017