1. Maintenance of street lights (Conventional Type) of Action Area – III (excluding MAR) Newtown under NKDA. [From 01/01/2017 to 30/06/2017 i.e. 6 month]. 2. Maintenance of LED street lights of Action Area – I (excluding MAR) Newtown under NKDA. [From 01/01/2017 to 30/06/2017 i.e. 181 days] 3. Operation & Maintenance of 250 KVA and 63 KVA diesel generators including all electrical accessories related with DG at Business Club Campus including swimming pool and other at Action Area-
ABRIDGE N.I.T. NO. : 18/ S.E (M/E) /NKDA of 2016 - 17.

18 December,2017