ABRIDGE N.I.Q. NO: 43/ E.E (E) /NKDA of 2024-25.

28 February,2025
1. Restoration of Pathway lights near Eco-Park Solar Plant, Covering of Solar Tree AJB Junction, construction of RCC cover to protect underground PVC Tank on Smart Road near Mela Ground, New Town. 2. Capturing running pictures by drone photography of various events during festive season 2024 at AA-I&II under NKDA. 3. Electrical repairing work necessary at Dog creche and Cemetery AA-lll, New Town Kolkata under NKDA. 4. Replacement of defective luminaries at NKDA Market near DCP Office AA-l, New town Kolkata under NKDA. 5. Replacement of Traffic signal Pole at Narkel Bagan, Pride hotel, Westin hotel & Newtown Bus stand, AA-I & II, Newtown, Kolkata 6. Supply and installation of VRF Outdoor Unit Air Exhaust Cowl Duct at 4th Floor of NKDA Administrative Building, Newtown, Kolkata under NKDA. 7. Replacement of damage Street Luminaries at Bio Energies Street light Pole of street No. 2222, AA-I, Newtown, Kolkata under NKDA. 8. Repairing of Luminaries at IID Park and replace of cable at street no. 4444 & 1111 service road Newtown, Kolkata under NKDA.